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🍎2024 SNUdesignweek Website🐛
Design/Team Lead


positionTeam Leader/Designer

About ProjectAs the team leader, I led the team members and communicated with the developers, taking the lead in creating the website for the graduation exhibition. I was able to learn a lot by leading meetings and collaborating with other teams.

Siren Eunyoung Jung Website Design/Develop
2023.7-8 Designed at OSISUN
(Access is currently unavailable)

ToolsHTML, CSS, Three.js


Trying to work on both UX and development simultaneously was challenging, but through various trials and errors, I realized that having development knowledge as a designer is a huge asset when it comes to UX design. 

This experience has made me want to become a designer with development skills, so I can study user experience, visualization, and development all together.

The Night We Met 
Brand Application
Design/Project Manage
2024.3-12 Personal Project


The Night We Met begins with emotions revealed through the unconscious mind in dreams. By examining the diverse situations and events depicted in dreams, we aim to uncover your honest concerns and worries that may have gone unnoticed. All you need to do is comfortably record your dreams and daily life. Through the statistics we provide, you can begin to understand yourself better.

Once a certain amount of data is gathered, a dream analyst reviews your records and delivers a personalized therapy kit to your doorstep. With this kit designed just for you, build a self-care routine and, if necessary, share your deeper concerns with a professional.

2023.3-6 Team Project



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